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Valentine’s Day Slideshow

valentine's dayThe new year is upon us and now Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Stumped on gift ideas? Well, it’s 2011 and time to think outside the heart-shaped box! Show your special someone how much you care by creating a Valentine’s Day Slideshow!

Have you considered creating your own special custom slideshow video for your Valentine? Instead of the typical chocolates and roses, why not light the fireplace and pop in a brand new, custom DVD filled with all your memories together. It will make her heart melt!

Don’t forget to add voice-overs to your video to give it an extra personal touch. Not only will it be very special for Valentine’s Day, but your video will be placed on a high-quality 100-year archival DVD complete with a compatibility guarantee, so you will never have to worry about your DVD not working some day.

Our talented editors are full of excellent ideas to make this the best Valentine’s day ever! Check out a quick sample of a Valentine’s Day slideshow that could be staring YOU! Don’t forget that we can create awesome videos like this for ANY occasion!

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