Slideshows are a wonderful way to add extra flavor to your event or get-together. Great slide shows will help keep your guests entertained with images from the past as they listen to cleverly selected music. Slideshows have actually been around for a while now, and was first popularized by using old 35mm slides, and then showing them off through a projector to your audience. Many times, music was timed with the slides for added effect. This was the standard method of slideshows for years, until technology progressed to allow us to manipulate video.
With the advent of video tapes, recorders and camcorders, slideshows found their way onto these video tape formats. Users could find that they could edit their slideshows with much more precision than before, with the added bonus of being able to sync their music up to the slides. The one drawback of this particular method was that the video tapes were of much lesser quality than a static slide or image. Due to this fact, many large events still used slide projectors all of the way up to the digital age.
When the digital age took over, the slide projectors were thrown out in favor of the much more advanced digital projectors. With digital projectors, you can simply perform a quicks slide scanning job in high resolution, and use the resulting digital image to show through the projector at the highest quality.
Need a slideshow done? Check out DVD Your Memories’ local Slide Show services below!
Slide shows Orange County
Slide shows Los Angeles
Slide shows San Diego