I know Canon makes scanners with excellent multi-scan single-pass functionality. This means that you put 2 or more pictures down, scan once, and it digitally crops without having to do multiple passes. This is a HUGE time-saver. I know the 8800f model does this. Sometimes it cuts the photo scanning time in half or even to a quarter. I have 2 of them, and have used them to scan literally tens of thousands of images. They are generally $200, but the time saved is well worth the $50.
Hello Buddy,
Nice site. Some interesting and knowledgeable articles man 🙂 I know, I am creeping,lol. Hopefully I can produce something like this myself. Which site did you buy your templates from?
Also, which hosting do you use as I keep being told not so good things about the host I am considering of hosting my site with. Plus any other useful tips you could give re starting up my website would be most helpful and very appreciated.
I do hope that one of you has helpful info on this
Thanks Mate
This is a standard WordPress template. Which host are you considering?