People often take up the hobby of green-crafting to pass time, help reduce garbage, and make awesome things! VHS tapes have definitely become obsolete in the last decade or so, with all of the new age Youtube, internet TV, and digital video, many people have forgotten about the video tapes of the past. Instead of throwing away your old tapes, you can instead turn them into works of art that anyone can enjoy!
Check out some of the cool arts and crafts people have made out of old video tapes
This is a book end constructed out of old VHS tapes with blank CDs glued to the bottom to act as a base. This creates a fun and functional display of your newest books for everyone to see.
This is a notebook created from masking tape on the edges, with woven strips of VHS tape on the inside.
You can even use old VHS tapes for gift wrap or bows!
In addition, you can also create lovely designs to accomodate your purses and bags. VHS tape can be stretched and formed into loomed flowers. Stretched video tape also is great for creating macrame jewlery such as bracelets!
So after you have converted your VHS to DVD San Diego, why not try reusing the tapes in a fun and creative way!
For more reading, check out the CraftStylish blog