Looking to get your slides scanned to high resolution digital images, locally in San Diego? Our team of San Diego slide scanning scanning professionals have years of combined experience dealing with all types of images ranging from photos, slides, negatives and film. We can help you convert your collection of slides into images in which you can load onto a DVD, hard drive, or even on our new blu-ray discs. Once these images have been scanned, you can view them digitally from wherever you’d like, even on your TV screen!
We use the professional grade Nikon SuperCoolSCAN 5000 ED and 9000 ED slide scanners to digitize your slides. These are dedicated units that produce amazing results when used properly. There are companies out there that will scan slides using flat-bed scanners. Those companies will not be able to attain the depth of color or clarity of a more high-end dedicated slide scanner such as the Nikon SuperCoolSCAN 5000/9000 ED.
We have equipment to handle a wide array of slide formats including:
35mm slide scanning in San Diego
110 slide scanning in San Diego
126 slide scanning in San Diego
127 slide scanning in San Diego
120 slide scanning in San Diego
3D stereo slide scanning in san diego
Unsure of what format your slides are? Check out our slide format identification guide.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment with your local slide scanning technician!